Modern technology has moved us into an age where we have successful and superior alternatives to products and procedures that involve cruelty. Despite these alternatives, laboratories still subject the most sensitive and intelligent animals to brutal atrocities..... Despite the availability of natural plant hormones proven to be safer and equally as effective, some women still choose traditional animal estrogen; even with the understanding that by doing so thousands of adult and infant horses will be tortured and killed.....Synthetic fabrics are readily available as a compassionate alternative, but people still choose to strip the skin off living animals.....Even the circus, a place for innocent entertainment, has a bizarre backdrop of exploitation and cruelty.....For their entire lives, farm animals are contained in severely confined cages or metal crates unable to even turn around, never seeing the sun or breathing fresh air; only the toxic stench of their own excrement. Industrialized farming of today is an exploitation of the innocent. The heartbreaking reality of factory farming is the antithesis of what is projected in countless children's storybooks and toys where we see happy faced farm animals frolicking in sun filled green pastures, well cared for and loved by farmer Brown. Anthropomorphizing animals illustrates to children the similarities between animals and humans with an underlying message encouraging love. The other message given to children is that it is acceptable to exploit and kill those very same creatures. Link
Give Animals a Voice
The great visionaries of the last century all realized that the doctrine of "might makes right" is never acceptable. Animals don't have a voice: This holiday season, give them yours. Link
I am not a writer. Also, English is my second language. I apologize for any poor and improper usage of it here. Help and corrections, in this regard, are welcomed and appreciated.
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is for the purpose of legal protest and information only. It should not be used to commit any criminal acts or harassment. Ante Bozanich does not encourage any illegal activities.
Considering we live in an oppressive, fascist state, this disclaimer is an attempt to protect our freedom of speech and expression.
Project Beyond Cages - Nonspeciesism - Animal Liberation - Respect and Peaceful Coexistence - Art Science and Law for All Nonhuman and Human Animals Sake - Physical and Virtual Spaces - Free Caves and Skies of my Dreams.
The art works in this column are selected reproductions from a book of scetches of mine ("Crying over the Spilled Milk" 1992-1997) and several B/W photo stills from some of my old videos ("I am the Light" 1976, "Alarm" 1980 and "Hole" 1989)
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